Key nuggets to consider before crafting your change vision
In a layman’s term, a change vision basically means / represents your case for change from point A to point B. This takes into consideration the why, what and when for change. Often times organisations rush into crafting a change vision without some through pre-assessment/ planning. This pre-step planning is very important as it forms the foundation of a compelling narrative when communicating the vision to relevant stakeholders.
The key nuggets below should be your guiding light prior to crafting your change vision.
💥 Perform a gap analysis of where you are currently (present-as-is state) in comparison to where you want to be (future-to-be-state). This exercise should be data driven.
💥 Identify the benefits to the organisation. (If it isn’t broken why fix it)
💥 Ensure your ideal future state is appealing, positive and encompasses a compelling narrative (the why for change). This helps create a sense of urgency for change when communicating your vision.
These steps when implemented creates a guiding light towards crafting a compelling change vision for your organization.
Struggling with a change project? Send a DM to discuss further.
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